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Dear Alumni,
You are invited to compete and defend the colors of INSEAD at this year’s Business School Golf Trophy.

Save the date : Business School Golf Trophy, Neuchâtel
Friday 14 June, 2024

You are invited to compete and defend the colors of INSEAD at this year’s Business School Golf Trophy that will be held at the Neuchâtel Golf & Country Club! The two best scores (net stableford i.e. takes into account your golf handicap) of each school will determine the winning school. Exciting prices will be offered by the sponsors of the event (1st gross, 1st-2nd-3rd net Women + Men, nearest to pin & longest drive).
You have the choice to register for the competition only or take the opportunity to continue the evening with a nice dinner with the other participants. Please note that registration is on a “first-come first serve” basis.

The list of tee times will be communicated by sms or mail on June 13th so you can plan your day accordingly.
10:00       Individual registration @ GCCN reception & welcome gift
11:00       Scheduled 1st tee-offs
18:00       Aperitive and award ceremony
19:00       Dinner at Restaurant « Le 19ème »

Key Facts
When: Friday 14 June, 2024
Where: Neuchâtel Golf & Country Club, Hameau de Voëns 13, 2072 Saint-Blaise 

Tickets: Competition & Dinner: CHF 175 (85 CHF for GCCN members) // Competition only: CHF 115 (25 CHF for GCCN members).
NB: Registration fee will be payable at the Golf Club secretary on the day of the event. No show to the tournament without prior notice until June 12th will be charged CHF 50. 
by email to Jonas Friedrich jonas.friedrich@fms-sa.ch and please provide the following information:

  • First and last name;
  • Handicap;
  • Affiliated club;
  • Presence at the meal: yes / no;
  • Dietary preferences : meat, fish, vegetarian + allergies;
  • School;
  • Mobile (optional).

INSEAD Alumni Association Switzerland
Dimitri Vaharis, MBA’17J, Geneva Chapter President