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Annual General Meeting 2024 (Online)
Thursday, 27 June 2024

You are cordially invited to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of your Swiss INSEAD National Alumni Association (NAA). A review of the year’s activities and achievements will be followed by new business items, such as the approvals of the financial statements 2023, the budget 2024, and updates on ongoing projects.


AGM and Voting Online

So that as many members of the association can participate as possible, the event is online. Fortunately, the statutes of the association regarding the AGM were written with foresight to include digital possibilities for the assembly.


Key Facts
When:  Thursday, 27 June 2024, 18:30 – 19:30

Where:  Zoom
Registration: https://infomaniak.events/shop/aCx3W03AJl/

Login details for the AGM Zoom conference and documentation for the AGM will be emailed to members of the Swiss NAA who have registered for the event on INFOMANIAK. Documentation for the AGM is also available to members upon request. Send requests to administrator@insead.ch.

Please note: The AGM on Zoom is open to paid-up INSEAD Alumni Association Switzerland members only. Renew your membership on 

INSEAD Alumni Association Switzerland 
Philippe Mauron, MBA’95J, President