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You are invited to an after-work event in Geneva with the participants of the INSEAD Deep Tech GEMBA KMC and MBA Elective at “Chez Philippe”.

INSEAD Deep Tech CERN after-work event
Monday 2 October, 2023

You are invited to an after-work event in Geneva with the participants of the INSEAD Deep Tech GEMBA KMC/MBA Elective at “Chez Philippe”. During the evening, you will have the opportunity to enjoy a relaxing evening while networking with current students and CERN executives.

The INSEAD-CERN alliance is a unique programme designed to create commercial value from the deep science innovations developed at CERN: the world’s largest high-energy physics laboratory. This year the students are also working on innovations from the European Space Agency (ESA). As part of these alliances the Deep-Tech KMC has been designed to explore the commercialisation of CERN and ESA innovations through startup creation, knowledge transfer to existing organisations, or other creative constructs. The programme takes place at CERN’s renowned Geneva facility.

Key Facts
When: Monday 2 October, 2023, 19:00
Where: Chez Philippe (ground floor), Rue du Rhône 8, 1204 Genève
Tickets: CHF 35 NAA Members (paid-up) // CHF 45 Alumni non-members and guests

Ticketing closes 2 days before the event.

Registration: https://infomaniak.events/shop/O8thncX8bM/
INSEAD Alumni Association Switzerland
Dimitri Vaharis, MBA’17J, Geneva Chapter President