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Dear Alumni,
You are invited to a summer social event with local alumni communities of other leading universities and business schools, organized by the IMD Alumni Club of Geneva.

Cross B-School Alumni Summer Get-together, Cercle de la Terrasse, Geneva
Wednesday 14 June, 2023

Celebrate the summer with alumni in the Geneva lake region from ESADE, Harvard, HEC Paris, IMD Alumni Club, LBS, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge, Yale and Wharton. Join us for a unique opportunity to meet and share with each other, while enjoying a Cocktail Dînatoire!

Key Facts
When: Wednesday 14 June, 2023, 18:30
Where: Cercle de la Terrasse, Rue Jean-Gabriel Eynard 4, 1205 Genève
Tickets: CHF 50 NAA Members (paid-up) // CHF 75 Alumni non-members and guests


INSEAD Alumni Association Switzerland
Dimitri Vaharis, MBA’17J, Geneva Chapter President