8 Nov A Discussion with Swiss TV US Correspondent Pascal Weber

Usually watched by thousands of television viewers, Pascal Weber, US correspondent for Swiss Television, presented his take on American politics to two dozen INSEAD alumnae and alumni in Zurich during an evening conference at Hotel Schweizerhof in Zurich.

Without slides or notes, Pascal Weber gave a 20-minute overview of current US domestic policy and, more importantly for the audience, foreign policy. He then switched to discussion mode and debated with the audience for another hour. Not surprisingly, the discussion soon turned to the role of the US in the Middle East, a subject on which he is an acknowledged expert, having reported from the region for more than 10 years. And who will be the next president? The speaker declined to make a prediction. The discussion continued over drinks, giving everyone the opportunity to interact directly with Pascal Weber.

Pascal Weber, US correspondent for Swiss Television

Event organizers
Martin Spirig, MBA’06J, IPEC President
Reto Gygax, MBA’13D, Zurich Chapter President